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Back to School with Mask

       Springwood Pods 

Learning Support for students grades 1-7

             Tuesdays & Thursdays

              8:45AM-12:00 noon


Springwood Pods is a learning support ministry providing internet access, adult supervision & peanut-free snacks to students in grades 1 - 7 who are able to wear a mask & stay seated for an extended period of time. 

Our mission is to support families whose children are doing virtual or remote learning at home due to Covid-19.  The Pod sessions will be on Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 8:45 AM to 12 Noon.  A maximum of 10 students will bring their own (or school-issued) laptop and earphones, and use the Church internet to attend their classes online. There will be 2 adult volunteers per session.  We are inclusive and respectful, and we welcome diversity in culture, religion, race, gender, and ability.  We look forward to serving our community.   


Enrollment information:

  • Donation of $5 minimum per student per session ($10 per week) is requested.  A contribution of non-perishable food to our food box ministry will also be appreciated.

  • Donation must be received the week prior to Tuesday/Thursday session to reserve your student’s space for the following week. 

  • If donation presents a financial hardship, please contact Pastor Marybeth Asher-Lawson,


Safety protocols:

  • Everyone’s safety is our priority.  Help us keep your child safe and other children safe.  Do NOT bring your child if he/she is unwell.  â€‹

  • Students and volunteers will be required to have daily temperature checks (on forehead, no contact) and a daily record kept of each.

  • Cloth face coverings (masks) must be worn at all times and 6’ distance kept from others.

  • Adults dropping off or picking up students must wear a mask.  Parents of older children are asked to stay in car to complete daily check-in sheet; and stay in car for pick-up.

  • Parents and volunteers will be required to complete a daily check-in sheet upon arrival: 

    • Does anyone in your home/family have any of these symptoms of illness?

      • Shortness of breath:       Yes___No___    

      • Dry cough:                        Yes___No___   

      • Fever:                                 Yes___No___

      • Gastrointestinal upset:    Yes___No___

      • Sore throat:                       Yes___No___

      • Lost sense of smell or taste: Yes___ No___   

    • Has anyone in your household had contact with someone who has

    • shown symptoms of or tested positive for COVID-19?   

    • Has anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19?

    • Is anyone in your household awaiting results of COVID-19 test?

If you have questions about Pods, please call the Church office at (336) 449-6998 or email  We will be happy to give a tour of the facility if you would call the Church office in advance to schedule an appointment: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Tuesday – Friday.                            Return completed registration/health forms to:

               Springwood Church, P.O. Box 5, Whitsett, NC 27377.


  • Facebook
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Mailing address:

PO Box 5

Whitsett, NC 27377


Join us at:

1422 Springwood Church Rd

Burlington, NC 






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